“We are here for the long haul, to help support you through the various phases and stages of your wellness and wellbeing.” – Chanel and Odette

This is where you meet your ANAM CARA – your soul friend, who will help you, and offer you a space to finally become, to rest and gather your strength, to allow you to continue coiling your way to healing.”

The main focus of the story wall is the Tree of Life, it is solidly grounded. It receives nourishment so that it can then share with us all. The branches spread out like arms in a protective embrace. The Tree of Life bears abundant fruit. There is always a bowl of fruit at its base, where everybody is welcome to help themselves, as it is part of the symbolism of abundance of life.

We endeavour to be there for our customers and patients, firstly to provide them with the best care, advice and treatment or just as support when that is what is required.