This year we can truly state that it is a January full of worry. We can however choose not to buy into fear.

Gratitude is the most passionate transformative force in the Universe. When we give thanks to the Universe or another person, gratitude gifts us with renewal, reflection and reconnection. It is a choice of mindset – when we put ourselves in a grateful frame of mind, we recognise all the blessings life has granted us.

Once we accept that abundance and lack are parallel realities and that each day we choose – consciously or unconsciously – which world we will inhabit through our attitude, a deep shift in our reality occurs.

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy


Start a Gratitude journal, and at the end of each day write down 5 things you are grateful for. The Gratitude journal is a polite, daily thank you note to the Universe. You know how insulted you feel when you have gone out of your way to do something special for someone and you don’t even get a thank you.

We think it is the big moments that define our lives, the promotion, the new baby,  the new house, the pandemic. But the narrative of our lives is written in the simple and the small. The big moments are life’s punctuation marks.” – from The Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach.

While we are working on living a grateful life, there are some supplements that can help us along the way: