There is so much confusion about what the correct diet is. So, we decided to start investigating and what we found was quite surprising. In his book – How Not To Die, Dr Michael Greger MD advocates for the eating of lots more fruit and vegetables, which is contrary to our modern way of thinking, which advocates for high fat and protein diets.

There are so many studies that have been conducted on various conditions and the best diet solutions for them. They all repeatedly showed that a whole-food, plant- based diet not only prevents diseases but can often reverse them as well. We will be focusing on different systems, diseases related to these systems and the dietary advice for each condition throughout the year.

We use the term healthy eating rather than diet, because firstly – it needs to become a way of life and not a temporary solution. Secondly, a diet sounds as if it is about scarcity and a whole-food plant-based diet is about abundance. Fruit and vegetables are there to nourish us with life giving vitality. We can enjoy them as much as we like.

The following is important should you chose to follow a whole-food, plant-based diet:


Start with basic supplementation.We are all deficient in the following:

VIT C( Best form ESTER-C or Vit C with Rosehips)

Vit B complex

Vit B12(esp Methylcobalamin)


Plant based Omega 3


Please don’t be an ostrich with your head in the sand, check your blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels as basic investigations. It is also very important to do more intensive blood work to establish e.g. liver function, homocysteine, etc.


Start a gentle exercise routine and increase intensity as your fitness level increases. Start walking, it is such good exercise. It can help clear your head to help solve dilemmas, at best it could just be time where you can appreciate the trees and birds singing.


Don’t stop reading because you think we are going to tell you to go and sit and clear your mind. No, cooking could be a meditation especially if you think about the food and how grateful you are for the nourishment it will provide to you and your family. Engaging in your favourite hobby could be a meditation.


Go back to basics, we don’t need half the stuff we accumulate.


Eliminate all the products that contain petroleum, sodium laurel sulphate, synthetic perfume. The problem with body products is the layering and the cumulative effect they have. Just think about it: You shower and wash your hair, condition it, then you moisturize your body and face, gel your hair, thereafter deodorant, perfume and make-up.

Cleaning products:

Try and eliminate all the toxic cleaning products in your home. Almost everything can be cleaned with lemon, baking soda and vinegar.


Have more FUN, bring more JOY into your LIFE for this brand-new decade. Do simple things that bring you joy.

The universe wants you to thrive and by starting with small changes for the better it will support you to grow and experience more and more abundance in your life.


Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Make a list at the end of the day for everything you can be grateful for.